Friday, March 21, 2008

3 phases of a Women's Life

In last couple of years, I realized and felt that Girls are very Submissive (reads: accommodating, unassertive, non-resisting, self-effacing ) in nature. I have reached this conclusion based on my observations of following phases in her Life:

1'st phase : As a daughter she will always be doing things which will keep her parents (particularly Father) happy. She will do most of the time what they wish, On rare occasions she would try to do or ask for something or look for fulfillment of her wishes.

2'nd phase: When she marries the Boy chosen by her Father. She would start looking for happiness by doing things which her husband approves of or things to his liking. In many instances she would have to kill her desires & wishes to keep HIM happy. What a Sacrifice!

3'rd phase: When she gives birth to a Baby then she will start finding happiness in her baby's smile. The entire world is seen as a Congenial place if her baby is Happy and calls her “Mummy”.

As the time passes by and the baby grows - If it's daughter she would imbibe her learnings of Life in her by saying “ The truth of Life is Sour, Accept it” and If boy she would in most cases would try to be happy if He gives an iota of respect to her mother. Mothers generally support their Kids at so many places and worst even when they are knowing he is wrong.

Supporting and Loving others without even thinking about their own self wishes and happiness.

I wonder how girls/Women are so Sacrificial in nature. My sincere Gratitude to this beautiful creation of God.

- VM

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